Keyboard Calc

4.9 ( 6639 ratings )
Утіліти Продуктивність
Розробник: Happylife Studios
0.99 USD

This is a calculator for the experts who perfer to using keyboard instead of buttons. It supports using keyboard to edit the expressions directly and therere about 50 built-in functions and constants supported in current version. Of course, you can use the classic button-based interface too.

✓ Keyboard Support
--- use keyboard to edit complicated expressions.

✓ More than 50 built-in functions and constants
--- Covered math and logic functions, see the functions list in the bottom
--- All functions and constants support keyboard input.

✓ Higher precision
--- Up to 20 decimal digits.
--- The high precision ensures that you would get less rounding error in the end.

✓ Super big number support
--- Up to support 9.0E+536870000 .

✓ Angle mode
--- support Degrees and Radians mode.

✓ Lots more!

-- abs(x): Absolute Value
-- average(x1; x2; ...): Average (Arithmetic Mean)
-- bin(n): Binary Representation
-- cbrt(x): Cube Root
-- ceil(x): Ceiling
-- dec(x): Decimal Representation
-- floor(x): Floor
-- frac(x): Fractional Part
-- gamma: Extension of Factorials [= (x-1)!]
-- int(x): Integer Part
-- max(x1; x2; ...): Maximum
-- min(x1; x2; ...): Minimum
-- oct(x): Octal Representation
-- round(x; digits): Rounding, e.g, round(pi,2)=3.14
-- sign(x): Signum, return -1 if negative, 1 if positive
-- sqrt(x): Square Root
-- sum(x1; x2; ...): Sum
-- trunc(x; digits): Truncation, e,g, trunc(123.45678;2)=123.45
-- arcosh(x): Area Hyperbolic Cosine
-- arsinh(x): Area Hyperbolic Sine
-- artanh(x): Area Hyperbolic Tangent
-- cosh(x): Hyperbolic Cosine
-- exp(x): Exponential
-- lg(x): Base-2 Logarithm
-- ln(x): Natural Logarithm
-- log(x): Base-10 Logarithm
-- sinh(x): Hyperbolic Sine
-- tanh(x): Hyperbolic Tangent
-- acos(x): Arc Cosine
-- asin(x): Arc Sine
-- atan(x): Arc Tangent
-- cos(x): Cosine
-- cot(x): Cotangent
-- csc(x): Cosecant
-- degrees(x): Degrees of Arc, e.g, degrees(pi)=180
-- radians(x): Radians, e.g, radians(180)=pi
-- sec(x): Secant
-- sin(x): Sine
-- tan(x): Tangent
-- not(n): Logical NOT
-- and(x1; x2; ...): Logical AND
-- or(x1; x2; ...): Logical OR
-- xor(x1; x2; ...): Logical XOR
-- shl(n; bits): Arithmetic Shift Left
-- shr(n; bits): Arithmetic Shift Right
-- idiv(x; y): Integer Quotient
-- mod(x; y): Modulo, e,g mod(5;3)=2
-- yroot(x;y): yroot = x^(1/y), e,g yroot(8;3)=2

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~~~ Enjoy! ~~~